+ 34 977 317 111 adiveter@adiveter.com


We use our own and third-party cookies to improve the browsing experience.

What is a cookie?
Cookies are files that contain small amounts of information that are downloaded to the User’s device when they visit a website. Its main purpose is to recognize the User each time that it accesses the Website, also improving the quality and offering better use of the Website. Cookies are essential for the operation of internet; they cannot damage the User’s computer/device and, if enabled in their browser settings, help identify and resolve possible web malfunctions.

Cookies may be their own, when they are sent to the User’s computer from a domain managed by ADIVETER and from which the requested service is provided, or they may be from third parties, when they are sent to the User’s computer from a domain that is not managed by ADIVETER. Information can be obtained on the IP address used by the computer to connect to the website, the URL of the website requested, the time of connection and other parameters relating to the operating system of the User’s computer environment.

ADIVETER is using technical, analytical, necessary for the User to browse through the Website, and use the different services and options therein.

 There are several types of cookies, for the purposes set out below.

  • Analysis cookies, both our own and those of third parties: They allow the person responsible for them to monitor and analyse the behaviour of the users of the websites.
  • Personalization cookies both own and third parties: They allow the user to access the service with some predefined general characteristics based on a number of criteria, such as language selection.
  • Technical cookies both own and third parties: They allow the user to browse through the website, and use its options or services.

In accordance with current data protection regulations, if you wish to exercise the rights of access, rectification or deletion, limitation of processing or the right of opposition, as well as the right to data portability, you may address in writing to ADIVETER, established at C/Prudenci Bertrana, no. 5, CP 43206, Reus, either by e-mail at adiveter@adiveter.com.

Likewise, the User may, if he deems appropriate, submit a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD).

The user is informed that Google may transmit this information to third parties where required by law, or when these third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate the user’s IP address with any other data available to them, and therefore they will do it anonymously.

Acceptance of the Cookie Policy

ADIVETER displays information about its Cookie Policy at the bottom of any page of the portal with each login, in order for you to be aware. Given this information it is possible to carry out the following actions:

  • Accept cookies. This notice will not be displayed again when accessing any portal page during this session.
  • Modify the settings. You can learn more about what cookies are, learn about ADIVETER’s Cookie Policy and modify your browser settings to restrict or block ADIVETER cookies at any time. If you restrict or block cookies you may see reduced the functionalities of the website.
  • Continue browsing or moving around the scroll bar: in which case we consider that you accept its use.

How to change your cookies settings
In any case, the User may restrict, block or delete ADIVETER cookies or form any other website. In each browser the operation is different, the “Help” function will show you how to do it.

In the following links, you can find instructions to help you configure settings for the most commonly used major browsers.

Google Chrome:




Mozilla Firefox:




Internet Explorer:


Safari for IOS (Iphone, IPad):


Google Chrome:



If you want more information about cookies and how to disable them according to your navigation system you can consult the following link: www.aboutcookies.org

Otherwise, and having informed ADIVETER of the use of cookies, and without these being disabled, it implies that the user gives his/her consent to the processing of data by Google in the way provided for in this notice and for the purposes described herein.

In case of doubt or any comment, you can contact ADIVETER through its means of public service or contact us at adiveter@adiveter.com